Bay Area Hiker: Napa River Ecological Reserve Napa River Ecological Reserve

Featured hike
0.0: Begin at the edge of the parking lot on a trail through a broad meadow.
0.1: Unsigned junction. Bear right, descend a few feet, then bear left.
0.1: Look to the right for a passageway through tangles of willow, leading to the river's edge and primitive water crossing.
0.2: Junction. Stay to the right.
0.9: Junction, again. Turn right and retrace your steps back to the trailhead.
1.0: Back at the parking lot.

Getting there
From CA 29 in Yountville, turn east on Madison. Drive about 0.2 mile, to a T intersection with Yount. Turn left, then make an immediate right onto Yountville Cross Road. Drive about 0.9 mile to the trailhead on the left side of the road.

GPS coordinates* for trailhead:
Latitude 38°25'3.66"N
(* based on Google Earth data, shown as degrees, minutes, seconds)

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© 2002 Jane Huber/Bay Area Hiker